Bible Promises are just that—Promises from God to man. There are 8,000 of them in the Bible, yet the news among most believers is not about having them in their life! Aha! Every gift has to be received in order to truly possess it. So, if only a few know how to receive God’s generous love gifts, then it would be considered almost a miracle to actually live by them. Yet, the Word of God is full of instruction on how to receive heaven’s best on earth. This series exposes the traditions about Father as a Giver ,and untangles the many, yet simple ways to receive God best now!



1. God is a Quality Giver

   2. Adjust Your Heart and Be a Quality Receiver

      3. The Challenge of Sin and Receiving From God

         4. How Receiving from God Always Begins and Ends

            5. How to Always Receive a Manifestation

               6. The Mercy and Compassion of God for You

                  7. Offended—Rejecting a Life That Cannot Receive

                     8. Thinking Big in Small Places